Ozone Access V7 Complete 8m2

Ozone Access V7 Complete 8m2

Ozone Access V7 Complete 8m2

999,00 + toimituskulut
Sis. alv 25.5 %


Ozone Access V7 Kite Only 8m2

Ozone Access V7 Kite Only 8m2 Blue
Ei saatavilla

Väri: Blue

Myymälä (Helsinki)hyllyssä0 kpl
Netistä toimitettavissa0 kpl


Ozone Bar Contact Snow V4 50cm with 25m Lines

Myymälä (Helsinki)hyllyssä0 kpl
Netistä toimitettavissa0 kpl


Ozone Short Safety Leash V2

Myymälä (Helsinki)hyllyssä1 kpl heti
Myymälä (Helsinki)varastossa6 kpl heti
Netistä toimitettavissa7 kpl heti


Voit tilata tätä tuotetta korkeintaan varastossa olevan määrän. (Ozone Access V7 Kite Only 8m2)
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Tuotteen kuvaus
Ozone Access V7 Kite Only 8m2:
Erittäin yksinkertainen ja kestävä rakenne. Leija on stabiili ja toimii hyvällä teho-alueella vasta-alkajallekkin. Kokeneelle Access V7 tarjoaa stabiiliutta puuskissa sekä helppokäyttöisyyttä. Ozone laatu ja toiminnallisuus.

Kite Only sisältää:
Ohjekirja (eng)
Kompressor Bag

4m2 - Orange
6m2 - Red
8m2 - Blue
10m2 - Green
12m2 - Orange

Valmistajan tuotekuvaus:

  • Entry level de-power foil
  • Stable, predictable, unsurpassed ease of use
  • Revolutionary Internal Re-Ride Release System
  • The kite of choice for new comers and Snowkite schools

The access is our entry level de-power foil kite that is designed to make the learning process of snowkiting as safe and easy as possible.

The seventh version has been further refined and re-modeled for improvements in both ease of use and flying characteristics. The design goal of the V7 was to improve all aspects of the kite to allow new comers to easily enjoy the sport from their very first session. This is made possible by creating an incredibly stable kite, which has constant pull, a large wind range and predictable handling.

The V7 has flatter arc than it’s predecessors giving it a wider wind range, this means more power and more depower. The rib spacing has been optimized to clean up the surfaces toward the tip, which sees gains in both performance and handling. New tab positions offer a rock solid feel in the air and maintain quick turning speed with a more responsive bar feeling. The low aspect ratio ensures stability in the gustiest of conditions, delivering constant power and progressive pull. Blow-out-valves on the under surface help avoid damage if the kite is crashed.

Even though the Access is developed for teaching and entry level riders it has become a favorite for experienced riders who require ultra stability in turbulent high mountain conditions. The Access is also a favorite for expeditions where it is essential to have safe and easy to use kites in extreme conditions.

The Internal Re-Ride Release System is the result of two years research and development by our design team and pro riders, with the aim to create the safest system on the market. The goal was to have a release system that once activated the kite can easily be re-launched without having to untangle or clear any lines. Our unique Re-Ride Release System stalls the kite with an internal line – the kite de-powers instantly without tangling and will sit on the ground ready to re-launch when you're ready again.

Another big advantage of our Internal Re-Ride Release System is the land and secure option. We have added the Secure Loop in the line approx 2m away from the rider. To land the kite simply pull the 5th line through the chicken loop until you reach the Secure Loop. The kite will stall and fall to the ground without any pull. Use the Secure Loop in the 5th line to keep the kite on the ground - it can either be hooked onto a carabineer on your harness or over the bar horn. This makes landing and packing your kite safe and easy even in high winds.

We thoroughly enjoyed developing and testing the Internal Re-Ride Release System. It has made mountain climbing and packing on top so much more enjoyable, safe, easy and quick for the user.

  • The Internal Re-Ride Release System cannot be upgraded to older kites as it includes lines that are running inside your kite.
  • For reverse launch and light wind landing we have kept the Brake Stall Handle between the back leader lines.

Ozone Bar Contact Snow V4 50cm with 25m Lines:
Ozone Contact Snow V4 puomi on yksinkertainen, laadukas ja toimiva 5-naruinen puomi uudella Click-in chickenloopilla. Sopii käytettäväksi kaikkien Ozonen avoimien patjaleijojen kanssa - myös vanhempien mallien. Sopii myös muiden merkkien 5-naruisille patjaleijoille, joissa on tasamittaiset narut.

Huom. Ei yhteensopiva pumpattavien leijojen kanssa. Pumpattaville leijoille sopii Ozone Bar Contact Water V4, joka on nelinaruinen.

Ozone V4 puomin asennusohjeet
Ozone Short Safety Leash V2:
Ozone Short Safety Leash V2 on lyhyt turvaleash pikalaukaisulla, joka toimii kaikkien leijojen kanssa. Ei roiku häiritsevästi, joten passaa hyvin rentoon freerideen niin kesällä kuin talvella. Ottaa laukaistaessa heti tehon pois leijasta.

Handlepass-hommiin soveltuu sitten Ozone Long Safety Leash V2

Ostamalla tämän tuotepaketin säästät 159,90 € verrattuna siihen, jos ostaisit tuotteet yksitellen.

Kite Only / Complete

Leijan/Wingin koko (m²)

Matti K. vahvistettu ostaja, 1.1.2018
Helppokäyttöinen ja leppoisa purje. Nousee ja vetää hyvin kevyessäkin tuulessa. Kovemmasta kelistä ei vielä kokemusta.
Lisää kommentti


Ozone De-Power Foil Kites - Internal Re-Ride Release System


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